Locharbriggs Stalwart Thanked By The Community

Mrs Ruth Emmerson of Locharbriggs was presented with flowers on behalf of the Community for her dedicated and selfless service to Locharbriggs, at the afternoon of music song and dance for Burns weekend at Locharbriggs Community Centre on Sunday 26th January.

Ruth is known locally as ‘the Park lady’ the lady who picks up the litter in the Park in the centre of the village, along with cleaning the bus shelter and wiping the seats, swings, and chute at the Park EVERY day, and in all weathers, and always with her usual cheery smile.

John Caskie chairman of LCCA, invited Ruth to join him at the front of the stage during the event where he spoke of her willingness, kindness and friendly manner is commented by all locally.  Committee stalwarts Sandy Callander and Victor Smith, cam forward and presented Ruth presented the flowers.

The company sang ‘for she’s a jolly good fellow’ and a rapturous round of applause was accorded to Ruth.

John Caskie commented, Ruth is someone very special in our community, we thank her for her your kindness wish her the  best wishes from ALL in Locharbriggs.

Ruth, is a ‘jolly good fellow’

Picture of Ruth receiving the flowers from Sandy and Victor attached.