Dogs & Owners Help The Environment – Get Your Paws On Plastic!  

A Primary School teacher from Stonehaven has succesfully launched a simple but fantastic envoronmentally friendly idea for dog owners to get involved in, and now she is wanting to expand the campagin to the South west of Scotland and beyond.

Founded in Stonehaven in November 2018 by Primary School Teacher, Marion Montgomery, PAWS on PLASTIC, invites dog owners to pick up 2 pieces of plastic while out walking their beloved hounds.

“The strength of Paws on Plastic is its simplicity, said Marion in a recent interview with DGWGO.  “Dog owners are already out there walking their dogs every day.  We see the litter. We have a spare bag in our pocket & it just takes a second to pick up a couple of pieces. No extra time or effort is required yet if we all do our own wee bit, with over 1,000 of us (we already have over 1,000 members/followers now on Facebook & Twitter) that’s over 2,000 pieces a day, although, as you will see from posts on Facebook, most people pick up more than 2 pieces each as it is rather addictive!”


With around 9 million dogs in the UK alone, imagine the impact if we all did our own small bit.


The instructions are simple: Members pick items up using a spare poo bag and take it home to empty, into a recycling bin if possible, saving the bag to use again, then post a lovely photo of their dog on our “Paws on Plastic” FaceBook Page to celebrate their efforts and spread the word.


To join us, look for us on Facebook or Twitter. (

Or follow us on Twitter: @pawsonplastic


Members are responsible for keeping themselves & any accompanying companions safe. All pieces picked up are helping to reduce the amount of plastic ending up in the sea. #pawsonplastic



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