Warm Clothes Donations Sought For Winter

Do you have any spare warm winter Jackets, Jumpers, Boots, Hats, Scarves or Gloves which you no longer need which could be used by others this winter?

Dumfries and Galloway Council together with project partners in each of our areas are appealing for donations which will help children and young people of all ages throughout our Region.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have updated this project for autumn and the fast approaching winter to ensure that we can still support as many families as possible during this time. Donations can be made at all of the following locations:
• Tesco’s Metro Store, Stranraer
• Douglas Ewart High School, 1 Corsbie Grove, Newton Stewart
• Castle Douglas Primary School, 8 Jenny’s Loaning, Castle Douglas
• Oasis Youth Centre, Dumfries
• Summerhill Community Centre, Dumfries
• Action for Children, Kelloholm
• Annan Reuse Project, Annan

We are also continuing to offer an up-dated service where parents can complete an Application Form in as much detail as possible and we will then send on your Warm Winter Clothes Pack to you by our delivery team by the end of October 2020.

Councillor Andy Ferguson, Chair of Communities Committee noted:
“Our Warm Winter Clothes Project highlights Dumfries and Galloway Council’s on-going commitment to helping families who may be struggling throughout the year. The previous success of our Free School Uniform Project has shown the amazing generosity of our residents within our Region. We know that this is a time when families might be clearing out their winter clothes from last year and please anything that you no longer need into any of the Donation Points listed above where our services and partners will be very grateful to receive these supplies”.
Councillor John Martin, Vice Chair of Communities Committee said:
This Project will provide an extra boost to families throughout our region by supplying them with warm winter clothes which will take financial pressure from many who are struggling at this time. The on-going Covid 19 pandemic is causing so much additional financial pressure at a time when families need to source clothes for their growing children – this project fits perfectly and at exactly the right time to help. The extra service which we now offer of delivering the items which parents can order via our online survey greatly helps as the orders are delivered straight to their homes.”

For more details, please see https://supportdg.dumgal.gov.uk/warmwinterclothes or e-mail [email protected], or phone 01387 260243.

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