The Whitehouse Gallery Presents New Beginnings

‘New Beginnings’ marks the start of the Whitehouse Gallery’s official exhibition calendar for 2021, and includes an uplifting mix of paintings, collage, ceramics, textiles and sculpture.  The exhibition will go live online at 5pm on Saturday 6th March.

We welcome new artist Nicola Ross to the gallery, with some of her biro work depicting iconic Scottish and retro imagery in a hyper realistic style.

Still life and flower studies will be in abundance, with zingy, vibrant paintings by Jane Blair and Jemma Derbyshire.  Jennie Ashmore will also be exhibiting some of her original framed works featuring pressed flowers and leaves.

Alongside still life works, Jackie Henderson will be submitting some of her instantly recognisable female figures, with Fiona Millar also providing still life and landscapes in her unmistakable style.  Landscapes will also be on show from Morag Lloyds and Sara Bor.

There will also be new work by Moy Mackay, a new collection of her sought after works, ‘painted’ with a rich selection of vivid merino fibres.

Karen Stamper will exhibit some of her semi abstract paintings, combining mixed media with collage, which were an instant hit when she first exhibited with us in 2020. Another popular choice last year, Giles Ward will be returning with some of his fish and sea-life paintings.

We are really looking forward to welcoming some new makers to the gallery, including Zoe Stainton with her felted creatures, Katy Taylor (Cider Tree Copper Works) with some of her copper sculpture, Michelle Lowe with some ceramic tableware and Therese Johnson with handmade silk scarves.  We also welcome new collections of ceramics from Chris Taylor & Denise Brown, Sculpture from Lynn Muir, glass by Amanda Simmons, cushions by Jo Gallant, Jewellery from Melissa James and laser cut wooden artworks by Martha Ellis.

This exhibition will be online only, until we are able to open the gallery in line with government advise.

For more information, please visit us on

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