
Dumfries and Galloway Councillor Elected UK Chairman of APSE

The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) is a networking community that assists local authorities who are striving to improve their frontline services.

Working with more than 250 local authorities across the UK they advise and share information and expertise on a broad range of frontline public services.

Local authorities and organisations from Scotland, England Northern Ireland and Wales are able to share information and expertise on vital frontline services, ask for advice, and work together to develop new, viable ways forward in an effort to help one another. APSE also provides one united national voice for these authorities.
Dumfries and Galloway Councillor, Archie Dryburgh, has just been elected to the prestigious post of National Chair of APSE and took up his new role at the National Conference in Oxford. This is an added bonus for the region as Ronnie Dempster, Head of Enterprising Services and Dumfries and Galloway Council is also National Secretary.

Archie said: “I am very honoured and proud to have been elected APSE UK Chairman by the National Council and APSE Scotland, this is excellent news for Dumfries and Galloway that both the Chair and Secretary of this members organisation hails from the region. I am sure that Ronnie and I will work hard to ensure not only our Regions Public Services are seen as a real asset but we will work to try and improve where we can. “
Congratulating the incoming National Chair the former National Chair Cllr Simon Letts said “I know that APSE will be in safe hands under the direction of Cllr Dryburgh, continuing its’ commitment to the delivery of excellence in local government frontline services”.


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