Dock Park Summer Activities – Something For All The Family

An exciting new summer programme of free activities, events and music for Dock Park is now available. The programme, organised by Dumfries and Galloway Council, includes Summer Sports evenings, a Mosiac Workshop, Activities with the Freelance Ranger including Tree Faces and a family fun day.

Entertainment will be on the Bandstand throughout the Summer, including, LIVE: music on the Bandstand, a selection of talented local performers and open Mic. Swingband, Africadabra and Dumfries Town Band are all also performing throughout the programme.

As well as new activities and events, some old favourites are returning to Dock Park – such as Balance Bike sessions, Friends of Dock Park Heritage Walks.

Councillor Tom McAughtrie, Chairman of Communities Committee commented;

“It is great to see the continued use of the Dock Park for events and activities.  We continue to build on the parks huge success by offering a summer programme as part of our commitment to offer something fun and enjoyable to local families and visitors alike.  Our Council’s number one priority is to boost the local economy, and having a superb facility like The Dock Park brings visitors to the town, as well as encouraging locals to use the facilities in the park”
The programme will be available in local libraries, customer service centres and leisure facilities in Dumfries, as well on the park noticeboards and online at

Please remember that all events, activities and music are weather dependent.

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