For D&G

This April, May and June


The People’s Project have launched a regional campaign asking all the people of Dumfries & Galloway to devote an hour or so of their time, at any point during April, May and June to beautify an area of their choosing in their part of Dumfries and Galloway.


The project is simple and no matter how little or how much time you can give will make a difference, whether it’s just picking up litter, or something bigger you choose the time and day. It might be removing weeds from the road or pavement, cleaning that troublesome gutter, painting over graffiti, clearing litter from a road verge or simply placing a pot plant outside your front door!


“If we all did just a little bit, we could do an awful lot!”



Mark Jardine, founder of  ‘The Peoples Project’ which is based in Dumfries, told DGWGO ” This year, more tourists than ever will be coming to Dumfries and Galloway, which has been nominated BBC Countryfile Magzines, Holiday destination of the year,  and with a combined effort, we could make our region look even more special for visitors and everyone that lives here.

Tourism may not be the only industry we have left in D&G, but everyone will benefit from the extra visitors, if we all help to make Dumfries and Galloway shine with pride.

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