With Youth Beatz only a few days away now Police Scotland are working with partners involved in it’s organisation to ensure that everyone attending has a safe and enjoyable experience at Scotland’s largest free music festival here in Dumfries on Saturday 13 August 2016.  The event is now officially ‘sold out’ which means that some 12,000 local residents here in Dumfries and Galloway will be able to attend.

Now in its eighth year, the award winning event is managed through a partnership led by the Community Learning and Development Service Nithsdale in conjunction with the Oasis Events Team. Funding for the event has been secured from Nithsdale Area Committee and main event sponsor Choices for Life and event sponsors Magnox and West Sound. Other event funders include Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Woman Partnership, The Scottish Government, Cashback for Communities, Young Start, Business Gateway and Youth Link Scotland.  Police Scotland is involved with all the partners to help ensure that those attending get there safely, enjoy themselves safely whist at the concert and then get themselves home safely afterwards.


Chief Inspector Stephen Stiff at Dumfries said “we have been involved in all of the Youth Beatz concerts here in Dumfries and over the years we have amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience in the policing of such a large event.  We are keen to emphasis that because of the very large number of people attending the concert, Dumfries will be a very busy place on Saturday.  Those attending should consider carefully how they are going to get to, and then home from the concert.  Parents and those providing transport should consider their routes in and out of the venue area and allow plenty of time to get there on the day.”


This year Choices for Life is a partner for the event.  This will give young people in the area the right information on issues that affect them, at events they are excited about attending.

Chief Inspector Scott Tees of Police Scotland’s Safer Communities Harm Prevention Unit said ” Police Scotland in partnership with Young Scot is committed to delivering all components of the ‘Choices for Life’ programme on behalf of the Scottish Government.  We are delighted to be able to play such a huge part in this years ‘The Toon Youth Beatz Festival in Dumfries.

“The events will provide preventative messaging about the harms and risks of substance misuse, online safety and highlighting positive life choices to young people.  It is important that Police Scotland is involved in such events as the value of such local engagement to deliver the prevention focused Choices for Life messaging cannot be underestimated.”

More information on the event can be found at www.youthbeatz.co.uk

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