Standing Ovation For George At Selkirk Burns Night

Chairman George Whan welcomed members to the Selkirk Burns Supper in the historic Selkirk Arms, Kirkcudbright on Friday night.

The packed company led to an electric atmosphere on a highly successful evening. All speakers and performers were from the town on this occasion.

Club Piper Stuart Currie piped in the haggis which was carried by long serving club member, Norman Richardson.

Joe Osborne addressed the haggis in some style and panache.

The Rev. Davie Gourlay said grace before dinner.

The speakers for the night were of a very high quality. Local farmer John Picken toasted agriculture, Robert McClune toasted Kirkcudbright and a reading was given by Ian McIntyre.

Retired Lawyer Sandy Henry proposed the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns. Mr. Henry’s toast was well researched , yet light and thoughtful. Kenny Chalmers, toasted the Lasses.

Chairman George Whan received a lengthy standing ovation for his rendition of Tam ‘Shanter.

Ian D. Swan rounded the evening off with a vote of thanks to the Hosts, Chairman and Guests.