Home Dumfries & Galloway News Pioneering Langholm Housing Development Moves A Step Closer

Pioneering Langholm Housing Development Moves A Step Closer

Pioneering Langholm Housing Development Moves A Step Closer
Proposed bridge viewed from Langholm

Works will begin next week as the first stage of the Murtholm Farm site development in Langholm gets underway.

The site was purchased by Loreburn Housing Association in 2019 and the first phase of housing will see 35 ‘extra care’ bungalows being built; a first for Dumfries and Galloway.

Loreburn Housing Association’s contractors Cubbie Construction Limited will begin the first phase of the development, with enabling works to create a site access point from the A7 Trunk Road, utility diversions and the formation of an access road onto the Murtholm site.

The enabling works are expected to take up to 6 months to complete during which there is likely to be some disruption to the traffic flow on the A7.

Once complete, construction will begin on the first phase of housing of 35 extra care bungalows along with a new pedestrian footbridge from the West to the East bank of the River Esk; linking the development with the town.

The high-quality and technology enabled homes are designed for independent living with access to care and support on site. With exceptional energy efficiency and meeting Passivhaus certification standards, the development will be the first bungalow designed extra care development for the region.

The homes are expected to be ready for occupation by the end of 2024.

Further phases of affordable housing are programmed for the site once the bungalows and bridge are complete.

Graham Robertson, Head of Development at Loreburn commented: “The work is the culmination of 4 years of planning. From the purchase of the site in 2019, through the detailed design process and submission of Planning applications for the enabling works, the properties, as well as the new bridge.

The project has been a huge challenge but with the collaboration from partners, including The Scottish Government, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Transport Scotland, Sustrans, the Health and Social Care Partnership for D&G and Buccleuch Estates Limited, we’re finally seeing our shared commitment come to fruition.

Lorraine Usher, Chief Executive added: “This will be a fantastic new development for Langholm and the Esk Valley, allowing people to remain living in their community in a well-designed home. The onsite support will give reassurance that help is close by as and when people need it.”