

Coaching Awards 2014 – Wigtownshire Winner

The Dumfries and Galloway Coaching Awards in partnership with sportscotland provide the opportunity to thank coaches for their dedication to their chosen sport and recognise their achievements. The aim of the awards is to celebrate and raise the profile of the fantastic work being done within Dumfries and Galloway and recognise the contribution and value of these coaches and volunteers.
The sporting community across Dumfries and Galloway including Sport Council’s and Clubs were asked to promote the awards. Subsequently, the awards attracted a good number and standard of nominations from across Dumfries and Galloway and provided the panel of judges with some real debate when selecting winners.
This year there were 9 Coaching Award winners in the following categories: Young Person’s Coaching of the Year; Community Coach of the Year; Development Coach of the Year; Performance Coach of the Year; Young Coach of the Year; Disability Coach of the Year, Event Volunteer, Young Volunteer of the Year (Under 25 years) and Volunteer of the Year (over 25 years). All category winners detailed below.
All regional award winners have been automatically entered into the sportscotland Coaching, Officiating and Volunteering Awards 2014 with a further chance for entry into the UK coaching awards later in the year.
These awards show what committed coaches and volunteers we are fortunate to have within Dumfries and Galloway and these awards help to raise their profile showing how valuable they are to clubs, schools and sport in our area.
This year we have one winner from Wigtownshire, Colin Agnew who won the Community Coach of the year award for his work with Stranraer Ladies Football Club.
Colin has coached Stranraer Ladies Football Club since the club started over 4 years ago, giving up his free time to coach the girls and ladies twice a week with every training session open for all ages and abilities to participate. Colin gives 100% to every training session he delivers and is always encouraging the girls to achieve the best they can.
As well as co-ordinating the training sessions Colin organises the Ladies team for their games, played on a Sunday either at home or away spending additional time ensuring that everything is organised for each game. Colin has increased the opportunity for women and girls to increase their physical activity and sporting opportunities by offering a club for girls and women of all ages and abilities to take part in within their local community through Stranraer Ladies FC.

Chair of Wigtown Area Committee Cllr Marion McCutheon said;
“Congratulations to Colin on winning the Community Coach of the year award. The dedication he brings to Stranraer Ladies Football Team was obvious when I spoke to him on the night of his award, I will do whatever I possibly can to bring what hopes and dreams he has for the team to reality.
Over the last 4 years he has used his free time to coach the girls and ladies, making sure everything is organised for each game and always encourages the teams to achieve the best they can. As I said it takes a very brave man to take on us females in large numbers but he has found a way and been very successful at it!”

Pic attached of Colin Agnew

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