
Women’s Walking Football comes to Kirkcudbright

St Cuthbert Wanderers Football Club in Kirkcudbright have organised Free Taster Sessions of walking football for women on Monday 3 April at 7.00pm and Thursday 6 April at 1.30pm.


Walking football is a slower version of the beautiful game for adults over 50.


The sessions are designed to help women get fit or to maintain an active lifestyle whatever their footballing ability. People who play walking football regularly have enjoyed improved cardio-vascular fitness, reduced fat, greater muscle strength and improved mobility.


And it’s not just about health. Walking football is social and friendly. There’s a positive and supportive vibe. It’s an opportunity to meet new people, enjoy a breath of fresh air, and have a laugh. As one new player put it:


“The best thing, was the friendly gang of people who were there – either to look after us or to join in with the fun.  I amazed myself with how much I could do – and how much I enjoyed it.  It really could become a regular feature in my week”



Any ability, including people who have never played before are welcome to give it a try. If you’re interested in giving it a go or finding out more about it:

Call Craig on 07493 777855

or email: [email protected]