
D&G Emergency Centre Visit a Major Success for Galloway Youngsters

A group of 11 enthusiastic youngsters from Mid Galloway visited the Council’s Emergency Centre on the 15th October to learn more about how agencies such as the Council, the Emergency Services and other Partners work together when responding to major incidents.

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Mid Galloway Young Team is comprised of children from communities across Wigtownshire including Whithorn, Port William, Isle of Whithorn, Garlieston, Kirkcowan and Wigtown who have been involved in Community Resilience activities for a number of years and are assisted and encouraged by Community Development Workers from the Council’s Community Learning and Development Service. Also present were representatives from a range of organisations including the Council, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, SEPA and Scottish Power Energy Networks. Support had been given to the Young Teams from the Machars Lions Club towards the cost of transport to the Bunker in Dumfries.
The evening, which had been organised by the Council’s Resilience Team, included some interactive work related to individual resilience and a presentation on the work of the D&G Major Emergency Scheme. Following this a tour of the facility was provided before attendees participated in a table top exercise which focussed on the challenges of gathering and identifying good intelligence during an emergency, and using this information to help formulate a response.

Councillor Tom McAughtrie, Chair of the Council’s Community and Customer Services Committee spoke of the visit. He said;

“It is great to see the younger generation showing an interest in the Major Emergency Scheme. Effective community resilience is a vital tool to have in a region as rural as Dumfries and Galloway, and events like this one help the Major Emergency Scheme get recognition within various groups and sectors in the region. I am delighted to hear that the young people fully participated in the exercise, and would like to record my thanks to both CLD and Resilience staff for making events like this possible.”
The event proved to be an enjoyable evening for all, and provided a valuable opportunity to highlight the Major Emergency Scheme, and also to recognise the high level of achievement from the Mid Galloway Young Team. The children also benefitted from understanding how the Community Resilience activities that they are involved in can make a huge difference to their communities. They were all enthused and looking forward to the next emergency!

Pics attached show young people attending the event in the Bunker