At the launch of Dumfries and Galloway’s annual Business Week, which runs from Monday 1st to 5th October organisers promised the delivery of a few surprise packages this year.
DG Business Week – Website
Using their expert knowledge and connections, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Business Gateway and partners have devised a whole collection of events, workshops and seminars covering a whole host of topics.
One of the prime events will be the Amazon Rural Business Academy on Wednesday 3rd October at Easterbrook Hall, Dumfries. The team from Amazon will provide a presentation on how to do business on the internet through buying and selling, not only on Amazon, but across the whole of the web. As part of the Business Development Show Day, in addition to 60 trade stands which attendees can visit throughout the day, there will also be a presentation from the Princes Trust Regional Awards.
Other events throughout the week include a ‘Meet the Team’ session at Dalton Distillery; ‘Planning Your Business’ seminar delivered by Business Gateway at the Devil’s Porridge, Eastriggs; ‘Developing the Young Workforce for Employers’ at the Cocoabean in Twynholm and the annual Tourism Conference at The Easterbrook Hall on Tuesday 2nd October.
Places are going fast, but for bookings and information on the other events go to:
Councillor Archie Dryburgh, Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said: “The annual Business Week builds on the hugely successful events of last year. Numbers are going from strength to strength, year on year, proving that this is a very worthwhile celebration of local businesses throughout our region and beyond. The week provides not only interesting and helpful workshops, but also acts as a practical way for businesses to build connections between one another, supports growth, and therefore helps to build the local econom
Vice Chair of EEI Committee, Cllr Andrew Wood went on to say: “The week provides inspiration, learning and promotes confidence. It also helps highlight just how rich and diverse our local businesses can be. Each event has been designed to provide maximum benefit to those who attend and the feedback we receive year on year proves that this week is welcomed by local businesses of all sizes.