Dumfries Business Community Petition Stagecoach to Put Heathhall on the Map

Local residents and business owners in Heathhall are joining forces in a bid to persuade Dumfries & Galloway Council and transport giant, Stagecoach, to put Heathhall Industrial Estate on a public bus route.

Click Here To Sign The Petition

Local business owner, Linda Buckle of Solway Tile & DIY Centre says

“Having a bus route stop on Heathhall Business Centre would help link the growing number of businesses on the estate with the town. It would be a great benefit for anyone who does not drive, be it customer or member of staff.”

Where We Are in the Campaign

Local Businesses at Heathhall Business Centre have started an online petition to rally support for this important cause and have so far obtained the support of both local MSP Oliver Mundell and Ivor Hyslop of Dumfries and Galloway Council.

They both agree how important it is for local authorities to support important employment generating areas like Heathhall & Catherinefield Industrial Estates with bus services that link them to their local communities. Improved transport links not only provide those who live and work nearby with an easier commute, but they also allow local communities to access their services. Small businesses and their customers need a bus route linking them to their places of work.

Oliver Mundell, MSP says

“I’m fully behind bus services being routed to the areas where there is a social need and, as in this case, a potential wider demand.

“Both Heathhall and Catherinefield Industrial Estates have expanded over the years into significant business and employment hubs and improved public transport links would be a further enhancement.

“There appears to be existing bus services that could potentially be diverted to a new bus stop which, I understand, could be a relatively straightforward solution.”

Mr Mundell added: “At a time when there is concern nationally about a reduction in bus usage, every option should be explored to attract new passengers. It’s good for our roads and the environment.”

We need your support to show how much we need these valuable bus links into Heathhall.

We have contacted Stagecoach and Dumfries & Galloway Council to investigate whether an additional bus link can be added from their existing services (some of which almost pass our doorstep) can be added into Estate. In addition to this we have petitioned Dumfries & Galloway Council to investigate if pre-existing routes in the Heathhall area ran by SWestrans, Stagecoach and Houston’s services could also continue into the Estate.

Ivor Hyslop of Dumfries & Galloway Council says

“With Heathhall Industrial Park becoming more and more the place to do business, it is disappointing that the public can’t access the site by public transport. It is important for our economic viability for locations like this to be readily accessible for trade. I am keen to support the owners in their efforts to get bus transport into the site”

How to Get Involved

You can support the campaign by signing our online petition: https://www.change.org/p/create-a-new-bus-stop-at-heathhall-business-centre

For more information, please contact:

Heathhall Business Centre
Heathall Industrial Estate

or Edinburgh Self Storage

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