Developers Eye Dumfries & Galloway For 12 Turbine Windfarm

Artfield Forest Wind Farm will be considered at Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Planning Applications Committee on Wednesday 30 March 2022.

The proposed wind farm is for 12 turbines and would generate enough renewable electricity for approximately 60,000 homes.

Following no objections from Dumfries & Galloway Council’s landscape architect, archaeologist and other officers, the planning officers have recommended to ‘raise no objection’ to the wind farm proposal subject to conditions. In addition, the project has received no objections from key statutory consultees such as NatureScot (formerly SNH), SEPA and Historic Environment Scotland.

Ahead of the Committee meeting, Project Manager John Wallace said: “We have consulted and worked hard to ensure that the wind farm proposal is in keeping with the prevailing landscape and surrounding developments. It is welcome that Council officers have recommended to raise no objection and we are hopeful that councillors will see the benefits of the project and agree with their officers.
“The project represents a significant investment of around £8.7m into the local area. We are committed to working with local companies and are a member of the Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce. To find out more about the project and see how you could get involved please take time to view our website for more information.”

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