Fifth Anniversary of Dumfries Farmers’ Market Showcases Local Producers and Artisans

Dumfries Farmers Market celebrated its 5th anniversary at Dumfries Railway Station with its latest market that took place on Sunday the 2nd of April.

The market, which takes place on the first Sunday of every month, has become a staple of the Dumfries community over the past five years. With a range of local producers offering everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts, the market has become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

At the anniversary event, visitors were treated to a range of stalls and entertainment, including live music and children’s activities. The celebration was a reflection of the hard work of the market’s organizers and the support of the community that has made it a success over the years.

Speaking about the anniversary, Peter Johnston, said: “We have an average of about 35 store holders that come to the market on the first Sunday of every month. A lot of them have been with the market for two or three years but what we find is the market is a wonderful environment for people to bring new ideas, new products, and it’s surprising how many traders have gone on to be too big for the market and start to export worldwide.”

Dumfries Farmers Market has not only provided a platform for local producers to showcase their products but has also helped to promote sustainable living and support the local economy. With a focus on reducing food miles and supporting small businesses, the market has become a model for other communities looking to promote sustainable living.

The success of Dumfries Farmers Market over the past five years is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of its organizers and the support of the community. As the market continues to grow and evolve, it looks set to remain a beloved fixture of the Dumfries community for many years to come.