Focus Motor Store in Dumfries Offers Up to 21% Discount on Suzukis for Blue Light Card Holders

Focus Motor Store in Dumfries is currently running an exclusive promotion for Blue Light Card holders, providing substantial savings of up to 21% on Suzuki vehicles.

This special offer, introduced to express gratitude to emergency service workers, armed forces, NHS employees, teachers, local government workers and other public sector professionals, presents a unique opportunity for those considering a Suzuki vehicle.

The Focus Motor Store became the local Suzuki franchise in August 2023.

Blue Light Card holders interested in this exclusive offer are encouraged to reach out to Focus Motor Store directly for detailed information, including any terms and conditions.

Blue Light Card is a recognised platform providing discounts online and in-store to those in the NHS, emergency services, social care sector, and armed forces.

Collaborating with both small and large companies across the UK, Blue Light Card actively involves businesses in supporting the Blue Light community by offering discounts to its members.

For inquiries and further information, visit Focus Motor Store on Terregles Street, Dumfries or explore online at