
£580,000 Fund Available to Support Dumfries and Galloway Fishermen

The European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) has awarded Dumfries & Galloway £580,000 to invest in supporting the regions inshore fishing industry. This fund poses a great opportunity for fishermen to gain access to finance to support their business.

The fund is available to provide financial support for individuals & communities who are currently or have historically been a stakeholder in the local inshore fishing industry. Funds are not limited to the following projects, although the following projects may be of interest to fishermen:

  • Shellfish Storage facilities
  • Developing a brand image for your product
  • Access new markets and increase local sails
  • Collaborative projects between fishermen
  • Aquaculture projects
  • Improving health and safety
  • Diversify business activities
  • Development of innovative fishing gear
  • Fisheries conservation measures


Please note that the following projects are not eligible for EMFF funding:

  • Increase catch
  • Expand size of fish holds
  • Building/purchasing of vessels


Funds can be accessed through submitting an application to the regions Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG). The FLAG is made up of a mix of representatives who work within the fishing industry in Dumfries & Galloway and will consider potential projects for funding. Applications can be accessed through contacting the regions EMFF project officer: [email protected].

Under the EMFF program applicants can access funding for up to 50% of the total cost of their project. This money is a grant and not a lone and there for does not need to be repaid.


Please note that funding is not provided in retrospect of grant being awarded, thus meaning project spend must not start until approval has been provided by the FLAG.

For more information on how to apply for EMFF funding, and the funding deadlines, please contact the regions EMFF project officer:

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: 01387260097

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