It’s Green For Go As Students Take Fast Track To New Qualifications   

Dumfries and Galloway College’s (DGC) Motor Vehicle department is pleased to announce six students have successfully completed their Hybrid Electric Vehicle Level Two and Three training courses.


This is the first short course offered from the college’s commercial team, aimed specifically at upskilling staff already working in the industry, with the focus on renewable energy, hybrid and electric vehicles.


David Alison and Russell Fitzsimmons from Alison Motors, Lewis Halliday from Cumbria Auto Electrical Services and Doug Fairbairn, Liam Clive and Jack Richie from Forest and Land Scotland all completed the course which is designed for individuals who may encounter electric/hybrid vehicles within a routine maintenance situation.


This IMI (Institute of Motor Industry) qualification offers an introduction to this specialised industry sector, which in addition to complementing their current industry qualifications and experience, will enable them to continue to work safely within their role.


The course is delivered over three days where candidates work in a mix of theory lessons and an online assessment before they do the practical assessments.


On day two and three, practical observations include safe isolation of the high voltage systems and removal of the high voltage components for testing such as battery cells charging systems and high voltage control circuits.


The automotive sector is seeing a high demand to upskill and keep their technicians and staff safe when working on or around high voltage vehicles and the college is committed to providing the right training to keep staff and students up to date with the latest industry qualifications.


Matthew Howitt, Motor Vehicle Lecturer, said: “Running the Hybrid Electric vehicle courses puts local and regional employers and employees one step ahead in keeping their workforce up to date with the continuing changes within the automotive industry.
“There is high demand right now to upskill technicians to become Hybrid Electric Vehicle-trained and Dumfries and Galloway college has met that demand and will continue to adapt and make improvements to how we can support local businesses and play a role in upskilling Scotland’s Workforce.”

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