
Loreburn Housing Association Announce STEM Competition Winners

Two Kirkcudbright Academy pupils have been announced as the overall winners of Loreburn Housing Association’s STEM competitions after attending Dumfries and Galloway’s biggest science, technology, engineering, mathematics and digital fair.

Lottie Spyergrubb and Ava Rice, both in S1 at Kirkcudbright Academy, were presented with their prizes earlier this week after coming top of the class in the Association’s two fiercely-contested competitions.

Loreburn challenged pupils to create a freestanding house structure from magnetic pipes and balls in just 90 seconds, and put their knowledge to the test with a housing-related STEM quiz.

Lottie Spyergrubb receives her prize from Glynis Morris – Head of Housing at Loreburn


Ava won a £50 Amazon voucher after correctly answering all Loreburn’s quiz questions, which related to income management and property development, and Lottie was presented with an Amazon Kindle after building the most stable and
creative house structure well within the 90 second time limit.

Dr David Davidson, teacher of Physics and Science at Kirkcudbright Academy, said: “We’re very proud of the girls’ success.

“The Bang Goes DG! STEM event is important as it showcases the career possibilities for all our young people and shows the relevance of what we teach in schools.

“Pupils are far more motivated when they have something to aspire to.

“Lottie and Ava were chosen to attend the day due to collecting the most merits from their teachers and they continued their success on the day.”

More than 900 pupils from S1 to S3 attended Bang Goes DG!, the region’s largest science, technology, engineering and mathematics event for young people at the Crichton’s Easterbrook Hall in Dumfries on Wednesday 24 May.

The day, which ran from 9.00 to 15.00, was designed to inform and inspire the region’s young people and inform them about how the STEM subjects are involved in numerous sectors.

Bang Goes DG! is scheduled to return to Easterbook Hall on Wednesday 29 May 2024.

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