
Top Award For Castle Douglas Based Scott Country

Scott Country International have been announced as the winners of the Countryside Alliance Rural Enterprise award, and are officially crowned the 2024 Scottish Champions.

The Awards are the Countryside Alliance annual celebration of British food & farming, enterprise and heritage through our small hard-working businesses.

The awards ceremony is now in its seventeenth year and has become the definitive rural business award to win. What sets this award apart from other awards, is the fact that they are driven by public nomination.

This gives customers the opportunity to explain why their favourite businesses are worthy of national acclaim.

S spokesperson from Scott Country International told DGWGO “The awards received over seventeen thousand entries this year, and after being selected as a finalist, we attended the awards in Edinburgh.
We were thrilled when it was announced that Scott Country International had been crowned Scottish Champions of 2024 in the Rural Enterprise category.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted for us.
We are extremely proud to hold the honour of Rural Enterprise Scottish Champions of 2024 and look forward to attending the final in June!
What happens next?
As winners, we are invited to a House Of Lords reception in June, where the next round of voting will take place by the board of judges, to determine who will win the coveted title of Rural Enterprise UK champion.”