
Research On Housing Needs Of Young People With Autism Calls Change In Investment

Better Lives Partnership, a Castle Douglas based charity working with young people with autism, has compiled research that highlights the scale of unmet housing and support needs in our region. Funded by The Holywood Trust, the researchers have spent the last year talking to parents, carers and the young people themselves about their needs and what should be done to make their lives better.


The result is a report that calls for up to 120 new affordable homes specifically for people with autism, including 2 specialist supported housing facilities. Currently there are no dedicated specialist facilities nor support providers for young people with complex ASD and the findings clearly call for this to change.


Chair of Better Lives Partnership, Dave Bleasdale, said at the launch of the research at the recent Integration Joint Board (IJB) Development Day ‘This report sets out the evidence of unmet need which causes so much distress and anxiety for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. We are calling on the Scottish Government, the Council, Health Board and all key partners to take note and take action. We can and we must do better.’

The findings of the research are now being considered by the key statutory and voluntary agencies and the charity hopes for positive engagement and real change over the coming months.


Better Lives Better Futures Full Report.pdf

Better Lives Better Futures Summary Report.pdf

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