Borgue Farmer Overcomes Mystery Virus and Covers 1,000 Miles for Doddie Aid

Borgue farmer Neil Picken has completed an incredible fundraising challenge, having successfully covered 1,000 miles on foot and by bike to raise money for Doddie Aid.

The challenge was particularly meaningful for Neil, as he had previously suffered from a mysterious illness that left him with no energy and ‘brain fog’. His recovery from the debilitating condition inspired him to help others.

Speaking about his achievement, Neil said,  “I was ill for nearly two years and I’d been to doctors several times and they kept saying there was nothing wrong with me and I was just really really tired I had no energy, no appetite and the worst thing was terrible brain fog. I couldn’t concentrate and then the eighth of December this thing just lifted off my shoulders. I woke up and I was back to normal.

Neil continued “I wanted to do something for the Doddy Aid. So I set myself a 1,000 mile challenge walking the dogs and cycling and hoped to get a thousand pounds and have now raised over £1,550.

Doddie Aid is a charity that supports research into motor neuron disease and provides assistance to those living with the disease and their families. The charity was founded by former Scottish rugby player Doddie Weir, who was diagnosed with motor neuron disease in 2016. Since then, he has become a leading advocate for the cause, raising awareness and funds to support research into treatments and cures.