
Over £760k Available For Dumfries & Galloway Coastal Communities

Dumfries and Galloway Coastal Benefit Fund has officially opened for its fourth round, with over £760k being made available to directly benefit the coastal communities of Dumfries and Galloway.

The deadline for applications is mid-day on 27th March 2023.

The Fund has two streams available to applicants: the Community-led Funding Stream for third sector/community organizations, and the Community-supported Public Sector Funding Stream. The Community-led Funding Stream has a total of £457,405.34 available, and is open to projects seeking up to £80k. The Community-supported Public Sector Funding Stream has a total of £304,936.90 available, and is open to projects seeking up to £80k.

The scoring framework for both funding streams will prioritize projects that seek less than 80% intervention from the Fund. No other council sources of funding can be used as match funding, and applications cannot request 100% from the Fund. Awards over £80,000 will only be considered for partnership applications from two or more organizations or communities.

Applicants from both the third and public sector are eligible to apply, but public sector applications must be formally supported by a community group(s). Projects must be located within eligible community council boundary areas and can be for up to 80% of the total eligible costs, with a maximum of £80k per application.

The deadline for applications is mid-day on 27th March 2023, and no late applications will be accepted. A scoring panel will assess the applications, with recommendations being made to the June Communities Committee. All projects must be completed and implemented by 31 March 2024.

For more information, interested parties can visit https://dumgal.gov.uk/coastalfund, where they can download the full Guidance and Criteria and complete an Expression of Interest form to request an application pack.

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