
Possibility of Kirkcudbright Community Allotments to be Discussed on Thursday

71 year old Twynholm pensioner and keen gardener Sandra Goodare is launching a bid to give the townspeople of Kirkcudbright  the chance to grow produce on their own community allotments. On Thursday night at 6.30pm, Feburay the 28th there is a public meeting in the Council’s Daar road offices in Kirkcudbright to explore the potential for allotments in Kirkcudbright – all are welcome.

Sandra told DGWGO “It is disappointing to find that the (rundown) allotment site in Kirkcudbright has now been sold, which means that  for those who would like to grow food, whether old hands or with no experience but an interest…… have no where to go.
As I have experienced the absolute lift one can get from working an allotment, chatting to others on the site, comparing notes, swapping cabbages for sweet peas etc.,  and of course the huge benefit of being out in our clean air on a regular basis….  I felt that “something had to be done”.
On a I course that I was taking, we had to produce and analyse some research.  My course friends and I decided to research in Kirkcudbright the opinions of a cross section of people to the idea of having an allotment.   Out of the 45 people we surveyed a whole third displayed a great interest in growing food on an allotment.    
The current England Health Secretary, Matt Hancock is aware of the huge physical and emotional benefits of gardening, in fact The Times ran an article 23rd July 2018 with the headline “Doctors urged to offer more gardening courses and fewer pills”   explaining that the health secretary wants to introduce “social prescribing” for activities such as gardening to treat people with loneliness or mental health issues.
On Thursday 28th February there will be a public meeting to discuss having a community allotment site in Kirkcudbright.   There is land available, so we just need people – individuals or groups of any age who would like to be involved and grow their own food.   Please come along to have your say.    The more the merrier.


Pauline Drysdale, D&G Councillor, said:

“Allotments have been shown to bring multiple benefits – in terms of health & wellbeing as well as the growing of food locally. I see this as a great opportunity for generations young and old to get together and make a contribution to food growing in Kirkcudbright.

McNabb Laurie, Galloway Glens Team leader, said:

“Anyone interested in the idea of having an allotment in Kirkcudbright should go to the meeting on Thursday night at 6.30pm in the Council’s Daar Road offices. Sandra and I discussed the potential for an application for funds being made by the fledgling group to the ‘Our Heritage’ Small Grants”

For more information about the ‘Our Heritage’ Small Grants Scheme, please click HERE

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