
Local Businesses Gear Up To Battle It Out 

In a sleepy Scottish village battle lines are being drawn up between two local businesses. One, a renowned Scottish hotel, the other a world beating Italian restaurant, both in Moniaive, SW Scotland. 

The battleground? The Scotland vs Serbia football match, arguably the most important match for Scotland in 22 years.

Failing to see the connection? Well, all becomes clear when you know that football crazy Stefan Rajovi´c, proprietor of Piccola Italia hails from Serbia and Tim O’Sullivan, licencee of The Craigdarroch Arms Hotel hails from  Manchester, but has taken Scotland’s national team (and Motherwell) to his heart. Only one can win but either way there will be celebrations in Moniaive!

In the interests of fair play and entente cordiale, fans can watch the match on the outdoor big screen at the Craigdarroch (albeit in silence). At half time Stefan and family are serving a selection of Serbian dishes to all for a donation.

“This is going to be huge” said Tim, “so pick your side and enjoy.”

A Revitalise Moniaive spokesperson said “Who would have thought Scotland (eventually) beating Israel would lead to such an opportunity for local businesses. We look forward to good clean game and some very tasty food.”

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