MOOL Circles Of Support Event A Roaring Success

On the evening of 18 of November 2022, MOOL – Massive Outpouring of Love, Dumfries and Galloway Refugee Action hosted An Evening for Hosts at the Usual Place, Dumfries supported by Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Aiming to be an evening of conversation, connection and support, the event was designed to help link local people who had volunteered to host Ukrainian Guests with others in their area across the region. The aim was also to provide guidance on where they and their guests could access information, help and support.

Over 40 hosts from every corner of Dumfries and Galloway met in the to share their experiences, hopes and aspirations for their ‘hosting journey’. Dawn and Sheila who are both hosts, told us their stories and revealed the very positive effect it had on their lives.
The event was also attended by representatives of the Resettlement Project Board through a range of partners including the Resettlement Team, Lifelong Learning, Dumfries and Galloway Citizen’s Advice, Dumfries and Galloway Multi-cultural Association and the Crichton Trust. These organisations are all working in close partnership to offer a fully rounded and effective support network for Hosts and Sponsors and for Guests newly resettled in the area.

Throughout the evening, there was also the opportunity to speak to all representatives from these organisations. Questions were noted, and the responses to these will be emailed to all Hosts in the next Hosts Newsletter – so that all may share from the experiences.

Julie Smith from MOOL who co-ordinated the event said: “We are delighted with the way the event was received. To be able to get everyone involved in this work in the same space, sharing experiences and building networks, was just amazing. A massive thank you to everyone who attended and who contributed to the success of the evening – and to the Usual Place for their wonderful hospitality.”

If you would like more information on hosting or what support is available, please visit . To get in touch with MOOL or find out more about their work, visit their Facebook Page “DGRefugeeAction” or email [email protected].


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