
National Red Squirrel Charity Launches Award for Volunteers 

The Red Squirrel Survival Trust is calling on Scotland’s Red Squirrel Conservation Groups to Nominate their Volunteer of the Year. 

To mark Volunteers Week, 1-7th June 2021, The Red Squirrel Survival Trust (RSST) launches a new accolade to reward those who tirelessly endeavour to ensure the future of the UK’s native red squirrel.

The RSST ‘Volunteer of the Year Award’ has been created specifically for volunteer groups across the UK, to nominate an individual who demonstrates outstanding dedication and effectiveness in their work to protect our endangered native species, the red squirrel.

The key factors for volunteer groups to consider when making their nomination are:

  • Length of service as a volunteer.
  • Personal qualities the individual brings to their volunteer role (e.g. leadership, organisation, enthusiasm, commitment).
  • Any achievements or involvement in particularly noteworthy projects.

Submissions can be made via a simple form on the RSST website www.rsst.org.uk, with the closing date for nominations being 30th September 2021.

The purpose of RSST is to protect the few remaining (estimate is well below 287,000) native red squirrels in the United Kingdom, and reverse the catastrophic decline in numbers which may otherwise see their extinction in as little as a decade in England. Alongside fundraising for pioneering research, RSST is actively supporting volunteer groups throughout the UK who, through their commitment to conservation efforts and population monitoring on the ground, lead in the day-to-day fight against red squirrel extinction.

Commenting on the launch of the new award, the RSST’s Mark Henderson said:

“The past year has been a tremendously difficult one for all charities from a fundraising perspective and also for the volunteer groups, with COVID-19 disrupting many aspects of volunteer activities. In spite of this, volunteers across the country have continued to do everything in their power to carry on the fight to protect red squirrels from the threats they currently face. Volunteers and local community groups are absolutely integral to the protection and survival of this beautiful native species, with many essential developments coming out of the important work they do.

“The aim of this national award is to acknowledge and thank key individuals for their commitment. We’re excited that through these nominations we will hear more about these inspiring volunteers and their achievements.”

All submissions will be assessed by a judging panel to determine the overall winner.

By visiting www.rsst.org.uk you can find the volunteer group local to you, or you can donate to RSST and help it with its work.

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