Over £68,000 In ANCBC Grants Awarded In Spring 2021

Nine community groups and charities in Annandale & Nithsdale are celebrating success in the latest funding round from ANCBC.

Almost £70,000 was awarded this Spring for a range of projects, from an £18,000 contribution to the expansion of a nursery, to £1,660 to support the re-launching the Cairn Valley Community Transport services from April 2021.

Lucy Smith Chair of Moniaive Playcare said, “We are delighted to receive a grant from ANCBC towards our expansion project. This funding enables the project to move forward in a way that will result in a higher quality outcome, in turn benefitting the many generations of children in Glencairn who will access our services. Providing the best possible environment is of key importance, and award of this grant from ANCBC will assist Moniaive Playcare in supporting our many rural families with the best possible quality of service in the best possible setting.”

Since opening in Spring 2015, the ANCBC fund has awarded over £1.8 million to projects across the 42 community council areas that make up the area of benefit. The next deadlines for applications are Friday 19th March 2021 and then Thursday 29th July 2021. You can find out more and download an application form over on our main fund page www.ancbc.co.uk/main-fund/.

Full list of latest grants awarded:

Community Group Project Description Amount Awarded
Friends of the Ukrainian POW Chapel Lockerbie To contribute towards the costs of providing essential maintenance, repairs and renovation works on the chapel to maintain its integrity. £13,823.00
Lower Nithsdale Young Farmers Club To support some of the annual events run by the club. £3,560.00
Dumfries and District Flower Club To provide a contribution towards the costs of a flower festival to be held at Crichton Memorial Church, Dumfries in September 2022 to mark the club’s diamond anniversary. £5,000.00
Lochmaben Heritage Community Trust To develop a heritage centre within Lochmaben Town Hall as an attraction for the local community and visitors to the town. £1,769.47
Cairn Valley Community Transport To assist with the costs of re-launching the Cairn Valley Community Transport services from April 2021. £1,660.00
Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival To contribute to all associated costs in delivering a ten-day arts festival in communities and online. £5,000.00
Dumfries Ice Bowl Curling Association (DIBCA) To promote curling to juniors and to offer a sporting and social environment for newly injured or newly diagnosed wheelchair users to continue their rehabilitation. £4,990.00
Moffat Mountain Rescue Team To update existing equipment including rucksacks, avalanche transceivers, harnesses, helmets, thermarests, stick bars, zarski shelters and LED torches. £14,962.00
Moniaive Playcare To extend the existing nursery building in order to meet demand and improve the facilities offered. £18,000.00
Totals   £68,764.47


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