
Just What The Doctor Ordered? Dumfries And Galloway Set For Boost As Social Prescribing Takes Off

The hub – your community action centre is recruiting volunteers across Dumfries and Galloway ahead of two events next week that mark significant breakthroughs for “social prescribing”.


One of the biggest revolutions in healthcare for generations, social prescribing is an alternative to traditional medical treatments, with patients being referred to organisations to design their own pathway to health and wellbeing through connecting them to community activities. NHS officials believe it could cut visits to the GP by a fifth while offering a significantly better, more bespoke service to people experiencing a range of mental and physical conditions.


On March 11th, community leaders will meet in Glasgow to launch SPRING, a £4 million social prescribing project spanning Scotland and Northern Ireland involving the hub- your community action centre and 14 other partner organisations. Then, on March 14th, campaigners and health workers worldwide will celebrate the first annual International Social Prescribing Day, with a series of events marking the growing community development revolution in healthcare.


People in Dumfries and Galloway will be referred to SPRING and hub volunteers will offer support and guidance connecting people to community activities that will assist people increase their health and wellbeing.


We’re thrilled to manage this project in Dumfries and Galloway, which will help hundreds of people and dozens of local community groups.” said James Foley, the project co-ordinator. “Social prescribing is about giving people the support they need to manage their own conditions and take control of their lives.
“Volunteers are going to be central to this as they know their community and are well placed to offer support and advice.
“Getting involved in social prescribing is one of the best ways to support vulnerable people in your communities. You will really see the difference it can make. It’s also a great volunteering experience in terms of skills, training and employability. We believe dozens of people will find a pathway to employment”.

Informal enquiries about volunteering for social prescribing should be directed to James Foley at the hub. He can be reached at 01387 269161 or at [email protected].