
Survey To Capture The Experiences & Impact of Covid-19 On Young People Goes Live

Dumfries and Galloway Youth Council, alongside the Council’s regional Youth Work Service and partners including the Carers Centre, DGMA, DG Parent Forum, Citizens Advice Service, NHS,  LGBT Youth Scotland and a wide-range of third sector youth work providers have developed a short 15 minute, anonymous questionnaire that will remain open for responses until Monday, 3rd August 2020.

Take The Survey

Before you get started, there are a few things you need to know. This questionnaire is for young people who:

Are aged 11 – 25 (P7 going into S1+)
Live in Dumfries and Galloway

Dumfries and Galloway Councils Young People’s Champion, Councillor Adam Wilson said “We know the pandemic has impacted everyone and has been a challenging time for many across our communities in Dumfries and Galloway. The findings of this consultation are critical to ensure that services provided for young people are able to plan and adapt based on the needs of young people as we move out of lockdown.”

The questionnaire can be completed by young people independently or there is also the option for an adult (parent, carer, volunteer or professional) to provide support for young people to participate.

A national #LockdownLowdown consultation that took place during the height of the pandemic with key findings including:

•       96% of young people were worried about the impact of coronavirus on their future
•       77% worried about their mental health and wellbeing
•       70% of young Scots were worried about their financial situation

Our localised version aims to get a clearer understanding of the thoughts, experiences, concerns, and aspirations of young people within Dumfries and Galloway to ensure appropriate support can be provided in the months ahead.

The questionnaire can be completed online https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DGYOUTHRESPONSE or by scanning the QR code:

If you have any questions on this consultation, please e-mail [email protected] or contact @YouthCouncilDG on social media.

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