Why The Glenlee To Tongland Pylon Project Should Interest Everyone Living In Dumfries & Galloway

Dumfries & Galloway has many ongoing energy infrastructure schemes whether it is electricity transmission or wind farms. A local group called Galloway Without Pylons are concerned that the region has the UK’s highest proportion of connected renewable electricity generation, relative to it’s own demand for energy.

Paul Swift from Galloway Without Pylons told DGWGO “Without getting into politics or the benefits of intermittent renewables I would say that D & G already has its fair share of wind farms and if the government wants more then they need to distribute them throughout Scotland on a more equitable basis. A raft of wind farm applications are in the pipeline for our area and with recent government announcements they are likely to increase at a greater rate.
To protect the environment and ecology of Dumfries & Galloway we all need to make a stance and a good place to start is with a plea to the government to underground the Glenlee to Tongland Pylon Project. (Part of Scottish Power Energy Network’s KTR Project)
The proposed line goes over or close to the road from New Galloway to Newton Stewart (Queensway), Stroan Loch/Viaduct, Otter Pool, Raiders Road, Bennan, Slogarie and Laurieston Forests, Kenick Burn, the magnificent beech avenue on the C13 road from Laurieston to Gatehouse of Fleet and open farmland near Nielson’s monument south of the Red Kite Feeding Station.”


Paul continues “Many birds will be impacted including Nightjars, Golden eagles, Osprey, Goshawks and Red kites. We are also very concerned about otters, squirrels, pine martens, bats, great crested newts and toads. It’s not only the pylons going through the Galloway Forest Park that is a problem, it’s also the devastation that will be caused by the possibility of 5 year’s of construction traffic on the narrow roads and lanes. Not forgetting the many tracks that will be cut into the landscape for access to erect the pylons. Swathes of forest and ancient woodland will be cut down for access and an 80metre wayleave will run for 32.5 km.


SPEN state that “It is acknowledged that the underground option is technically feasible and, on balance, environmentally preferable having regard to landscape and visual as well as forestry impacts”.


Paul also said “It’s a question of money and we feel that Dumfries & Galloway is worth the extra for the people who work and play in the area, the thousands of tourists who visit each year and for its precious wildlife.”