
You Are Not Alone This Christmas 

A Dumfries mum has launched a food collection campaign to help the needy over Christmas time.

Gillian Marley-Milligan wants to help those less fortunate by gathering urgent supplies for the local Food Bank and the Salvation Army.

She is running a collection which has already attracted a great response for locals to get involved, including a drop off point at the Royal Bank of Scotland, High Street in Dumfries and Gretna Next Clearance Shop.

Last year, Gillian held a successful coat campaign after seeing similar appeals all over Scotland. Aware of the austerity and stress of the current pandemic, Gillian wants to reach out to people and their families who are having to rely on food banks for every day essentials.

She said: “Now more than ever before and especially at Christmas time, we need to extend our love and donations to the local Food Bank and The Salvation Army.
“Locally, we have not been exempt from the current pandemic and more and more families are finding themselves struggling to buy food. 
I can pick up donations from people or they can drop them off at the local collection point in Dumfries High Street.
“The appeal welcomes all kinds of food stocks, particularly pasta and tin foods, as well as personal hygiene products. Anything that goes some way to show local people that they are not alone and we all deserve to have a nice Christmas time, even under the current world situation.”

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