A few months back now , DGWGO were contacted by the team behind  the Robert Burns Pageant -Life,Love and Liberty . At the time I have to admit we knew very little about the project and what it was  , but once we found out more info and the idea  of this amazing concept , the team behind it , and the energy and excitement and creativity involved , we were only too honoured to become an official media partner with the event .

After months of planning and organisation by Producers ‘Sid Ambrose’ & ‘Ali Donowho’  and their team the  pageant started coming to life . Originally the World Premiere of this 2 km long promenade performance of the last 5 years of Burns life  was performed in  Dumfries 2 years ago  Sat 21st July and Sun 22nd July 2012 – commissioned by Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival. But it was so successful they decided to do it again this year on Saturday and Sunday last weekend , July the 19th and 20th. 

So when the weekend came DGWGO sent R.B Along to see the Play for himself .

On arrival at the Whitesand in Dumfries on sunday afternoon , I was pleased to see a large crowd gathering , at the ships mast erected  as one of the many props and stages involved in this massive outdoor performance that was eventually designed to take us all through the streets of Dumfries town , following in the footsteps of the national bard Robert Burns.

The action started straight away with a french speaking Burns (Played by Gavin Paul)  Giving a fantastic and passionate speech , which absorbed the audience , and started the trip back in time for us all . With live musicians and a troop of actors in amongst the audience all acting their parts , this was 3D theatre of a style that I had never experience before ! After a few Minutes here and some very humorous  lines from the performers that had the whole crowd giggling and feeling at ease ,it was time to be escorted to the second stage  , which was just across the road , outside the Coach and Horses Pub. It was here were we got to get a feeling for Burns, what he was like in those years , plus we got to  meet ‘Jean Armour’  (Played by the fantastic Joanne Mcguiness) .

We also got to see more of the main characters  that were involved in this period of the bards life including Willie McCracken played by Jordan O’Hara,Dr Maxwell , played by Andrew John Tait ,  Jeesie Lewars and Anna Park , characters played by Iona Claire and Burns friend John Syme , Played by Local radio presenter and all round good guy Ali Donowho .  Plus there was More Music and dancing , Louise McVie of Body Electric was the Choreographer , and her dancers, young and old all did a fantastic job , and really brought a lot of energy to the whole performance .  

By This time , the whole audience had been whisked back in time to those 5 years in  the early 1790,s. You just didn’t notice the modern day traffic , shops , street lights any more . So off the procession marched lead by soldiers and musicians and dancers from the 1790’s to the 3rd stage at the Midsteeple in Dumfries town centre .

With taking Photos for this review , but at the same time being wrapped up in the whole story and excitement of the whole event , its very difficult to write a review of every scene and moment in the play , but I hope from my photos you can get a feeling of just how much work and energy went into producing this unusual and very special performance .  Even though this stage setting at the Midsteeple gave the cast a chance to perform in a more traditional stage performance way , it was still amazing to be outside , and in the actual streets and places that Burns and his associates  were standing in all those years ago .

Theatre like this is something that i would hope to see more of . Im not sure how many of you have ever been on a guided tour around a city , or a ghost walk or watched a movie filmed in a place that you have visited , but this kind of theatre is all those things wrapped up into one . Its an experience for the eyes and ears , but also you get to feel real atmosphere , see the real places , and feel you are part of it as it develops and happens all around you .

And Forward we all went again , this time the stage was set up at The Globe Pub , One of the actual pubs that Burns spent many many hours at , and still a famous tourist attraction for any fan of  Burns , and anyone who wants a nice place to have a drink to this day . At This point we were treated to several of Burns songs  , and unfortunately it also started to rain , but that just helped remind the audience that we were actually in Scotland and in Dumfries , and everyone just carried on as if it was no bad thing at all.

It was on the Broom’s road stage that we find out more about Burns , and how actually , really things that were issues back in his day still effect us in modern times , issues like poverty, un-employment war, politics,alcohol and of course toothache . Really it just doesn’t matter what generation , or time in life you are at , Burns has written something that covers it , and this is what makes his work still so popular, relevant and interesting today , Either he was well ahead of his time , or maybe we are not as far ahead today as we like to think !

The play had to take a 10 minute break as the rain was becoming rather heavy at this point , but the whole audience braved the rain and stayed , and were rewarded , as it dried up and the performance started once more . This is when we headed off to the final setting , at Burns house on burns street .

For Me this was the most exciting , and special part of the whole event , seeing this live action on the doorstep of Burns house , was spine tingling . To be taken back to the final few weeks of Burns life , to see Jean crying on her doorstep , to see and feel the sadness of his death on the exact spot where it all really happened is something that I can only describe as mind blowing .

Even if you are  not a massive fan of Burns and his work , anyone that was lucky enough to come along to Life, Love and Liberty , must of felt something special , must of enjoyed the amazing performance by all those that acted , danced , sang and played music during the  Hour and 45 minutes that took us through those 5 years of history .

Not only was it an education , it was inspiring and thought provoking , and I’m very sure everyone that left Burns street after one of the 3 performances over the weekend  , would be discussing where they first heard a Burns poem or song , or had some memory brought back to the surface of their own Life, Loves and Liberty . I know I did , and after speaking to several of the crowd who said that they felt very emotional and even shed a tear in the end  I think the Team and performers can safely feel that they had all done an amazing job !

DGWGO Would like to congratulate the Production team and cast on creating something so positive for the region , It’s through events and productions like this that we can attract visitors to the region , educate ourselves and maybe create a bit of pride for our wee corner of scotland . D&G has an amazing history , is a beautiful place with wonderful people . I hope we have many more Life ,Love and Liberty’s to come , and who knows maybe similar events about different characters in different areas of D&G ,  I know I would go and watch more of the same . I love to time travel now 🙂 


Review written by R.B for DGWGO

Pictures Copyright R.B Photography , taken for DGWGO Use



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