Local Photographer ‘Focuses’ On Weekly Podcasts One Year Anniversary

CASTLE DOUGLAS Professional Photographer Kim Ayres” is celebrating the 1st year anniversary! of his FREE weekly live video podcast, “Understanding Photography with Kim Ayres”  that he started at the beginning of Lockdown. 

Like so many small businesses, when Lockdown began, work dried up. So portrait and narrative photographer, Kim Ayres, decided to use the time to share his knowledge with anyone who wanted to watch.

In the podcasts, Kim talks through the multiple decision making processes in his photos, explains composition and lighting techniques, and sets regular challenges for the followers.

But it’s not just a one way conversation – viewers can also send in their images for critique and feedback each week.

As such the podcasts have become a very interactive experience. Followers often comment and ask questions, and quite often start conversations amongst themselves.

Kim told DGWGO “People tune in from all over the world, with regular contributors from Texas, Norway, South Africa and India (and occasionally someone pulling an all-nighter in Australia).

Uniting them all is a passion for photography, and a desire to grow their understanding in a fun, friendly and supportive environment.

What began as a 12 week experiment to try and maintain an online presence during the pandemic, has now become an integral part of my output.

Even when the world returns to some sort of normality, I am determined that the podcasts are now here to stay.”

Tune in to @kimayresphotography on Facebook Live every Tuesday at 7.30pm UK time, or watch the recorded version of the podcast on Kim’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/kimayres


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