

R.B was invited along to meet the cast of the very exciting an ambitious seven stage promenade theatre event called Life,Love & Liberty.  which will be happening in Dumfries on the  19th and 20th of July .

Dumfries town centre will become the stage for   life,love & Liberty. The event was first held in 2012 to celebrate the life of Robert Burns. Excellent reviews and a high level of audience satisfaction have encouraged a repeat performance of the production to be staged again next week. Life, Love &Liberty producer Sid Ambrose commented “that it would be more of the same combined with a few new twists, to entertain the Burns aficionados and Scottish history enthusiasts who were keen to see the theatre show return to the streets of Dumfries.

The most obvious differences for the audience will be the inclusion of more community groups in the performance and tweaks to the script, for example a red devil will make an appearance and young dancers from the Louise Mcvie dance school and Saint Michael’s theatre will weave their way along the promenade route keeping pace with the spectators. Sid also added that a new leading lady had recently been cast to play Jean Armour. Scottish actress Joanne McGuiness has among her credits starred in The Wee Man which was a Scottish gangster film depicting the life of real criminal Paul Ferris. When asked about her Jean Armour role Joanne was said to be delighted at the chance to play such an important historical character and was really looking forward to working with the community cast.

Much of the Cast gathered for the First read through

A new director has also been found after celebrated actor John Cairney stepped down from the role, John both directed and scripted the 2012 performance after being commissioned by Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival. John

Gavin and Joanne
Gavin and Joanne

commented “at 83 l have decided to ease up on my workload and let some young blood have a crack at the director’s role”. The new director Gavin Paul is a familiar face to many following his portrayal of Burns during the 2012 Life, Love & Liberty performances, as well as his one man Burns Rough Cut show which aired at the 2013 Big Burns Supper. Gavin will both direct and star as the bard this summer.


R.B Got to interview Gavin Paul who is not only is  the director , but will be performing as ‘Burns’ , and also in the interview is the wonderful Joanne McGuinness who will be playing the part of ‘Jean Armour’  . This was R.B’s first ever full interview with anyone , and he did his homework , ( R.B said “The Only Criticism that was given to the interview , was that my questions were to long , HMMMM , But it was a proffesional radio presenter that gave me that tip , and i shall defiantly learn from the advice ). The full interview with Joanne and Gavin  can be seen here


4 5In addition to the main promenade performances which will take place on the 19th and 20th July, life, Love & Liberty will act as an umbrella for a number of other Burns related events taking place in Dumfries that week. These include ,ten minute Burns suppers in the Globe inn, an exhibition of Burns correspondence by Dumfries Burns club and a Burns commemorative service at the Brow Well.
Co-Producer Ali Donowho explained “Out with the Burns supper season the 21st of July is of international significance to Burns enthusiasts, this was his death date in 1796 and Dumfries receives an influx of people every July who wish to pay their respects. Life, love & Liberty will act as a focal point and signpost people to related events taking over July.”
Life Love & Liberty will feature over 40 actors, singers and musicians who will lead the audience back in time to the turbulent 1790’s when revolution threatened Europe and Burns was a young excise man, finding himself inspired to write some of the world’s best known love songs by the fair ladies of Dumfries. This is a celebration of the life of Burns in the town where he died.


For further information on this exciting and unique event please visit www.aburnspageant.co.uk . Tickets will be on sale from Mid steeple box office priced at £8.00 for adults and those over 14, under 14,s can attend free of charge provided they are accompanied by an adult contact Midsteeple box office www.dgboxoffice.co.uk for information on how to purchase tickets.


Video Filmed by L.C Photography , photos credited to R.B Photography


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