Travelling Gallery to Visit Stranraer

‘You might want to note this date in your diary if you live in Stranraer.

For one day only, the Travelling Gallery will be in town. On Wednesday, the 1st of November, you will find it outside the Library and it is FREE.

Travelling Gallery, a contemporary art gallery in a bus, will visit Dumfries and Galloway this November, with its latest exhibition, Take Care, a group show exploring our relationship to the non-human things we care for in an often isolated society.

Artists include Uma Breakdown, Gwenan Davies, Ellie Kyungran Heo, Laura Wilson and Joy Baek with Sculpture Placement Group.

Working across a variety of mediums the artworks in the exhibition look at everything from the intimacy of baking, where artist Laura Wilson’s new video, You Would Still Almost Expect To Find It Warm, presents growing, gloopy, fresh dough as a living organism that is alive with yeast; to the humble house plant where Ellie Kyungran Heo’s moving image work, Plantarians: appendix, explores our care of house plants asking, “Why is it that we place a plant in a pot, constricting its ability to grow and occupy physical space?”.

Continuing our relationship to non-human things, artist Uma Breakdown presents their video game Animal Agency, the multi-layered click-and-point game invites the player to work with animal-like creatures to move between a number of rooms and spaces. Gwenan Davies’ paintings then explore our ‘in-between’ times as she observes the ritual and social function of the coffee break, turning a sea of abandoned coffee cups into a surreal landscape.

Finally, Travelling Gallery is collaborating with Sculpture Placement Group (SPG) to exhibit the sculpture, Here, My Waiting by Joy Baek, from their Loan scheme. The SPG Loan scheme works with artists to extend the life-cycle of artworks that are currently in long-term storage, allowing people to care for and enjoy artwork, often outside of a gallery context.

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