Dumfries and Galloway Environment Fair Success

The 2015 Dumfries and Galloway Environment Fair has been hailed as a great success as nearly 1000 people attended the event at the Crichton Campus on Saturday 14 March.

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The Fair, is now into its 19th year and is the Regions annual celebration of local wildlife and the natural environment. This year the Fair was funded entirely by Dumfries and Galloway Council. The Council’s Countryside Ranger Service worked with students from the University of Glasgow and University of the West of Scotland in order to encourage local people to learn how they can make a difference to our region’s environment.

1 a 1 a e fair 3People of all ages attended the event and tookpart in various environmental activities, both indoors and out.
Activities included:
• Creating drawing charcoal over an open fire and using this for leaf and stone rubbings
• Building small tepee type shelters
• Creating garden bug hotels
• Creating recycled art
• Test driving an Eco-Car
• Treasure hunts.

People who attended the event described the Environment Fair as a ‘fantastic day out’, and a ‘great day for all the family’ while others enjoyed the ‘variety’ and the ‘interactive activities and opportunities to ask questions’. The Fair is also beginning to leave a legacy as one attendee even noted that they used to come when they were younger and were now bringing their own children along.

One activity also left a legacy for the future in the form of a large banner with the handprints and names of many visitors. This will be displayed at next year’s and subsequent events for people to find where they left their mark.

Stallholders felt that the event was ‘very well organised’ and ‘excellent’ while another, who was at the Fair for the first time said they ‘thought the mix of stalls, arts and crafts, hands on stuff and education was brilliant’.

Council Leader Ronnie Nicholson said “The Environment Fair is always a fantastic occasion and this was reflected in the brilliant turnout we had for this year’s event. The Fair not only helps showcase our natural environment but also helps encourage us to protect it for future generations to enjoy.”

The Fair was also part of the Commonwealth Games Legacy and visitors were encouraged to use alternative methods of transport to attend, some walked and some cycled, reducing the Fair’s carbon footprint.

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