18-29 Year Olds Can Now Register For COVID-19 Vaccine 

ALL remaining first dose COVID-19 vaccinations for people aged 40-49 in the region have now been scheduled to take place by May 30.

Meanwhile, plans are being made to vaccinate those aged 30-39 over the first three weeks in June.

And, as that takes place, everyone aged 18-29 is now being encouraged to register to be vaccinated shortly thereafter.

Director of Public Health Valerie White said: “We’re making really good progress with the vaccination programme, both in terms of first and second doses.

“First dose vaccinations for people aged 40-49 will be complete by the end of Saturday and we’re planning to vaccinate those aged 30-39 within the first three weeks of June.

“From today, people aged 18-29 are able to register for their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by going online at www.nhsinform.scot/under30register or by calling 0800 030 8013.

“By registering this way by June 4, people in this age group will receive their vaccination appointment by email or SMS.

“18-29-year-olds who choose not to register by June 4 will be notified by post of their vaccination at a later date.

“Those aged 30 and over will receive their appointment in the form of a letter.”

The majority of the student population will receive their vaccination appointment during the summer holidays. If a student is registered with a GP practice near their term-time address, the appointment letter will be sent there.

However, by registering for their vaccination online they will receive their appointment details wherever they are through SMS or email. Upon receipt of their appointment, and if they are spending the summer in a different part of the country, they need to contact the helpline to reschedule to an alternative location.

Recent research shows that 90 per cent of 18-29 year olds in Scotland indicate that they will get the COVID-19 vaccine when offered it, or have had it already, with just under seven in ten (69 per cent) eager to get it.

Sixty-nine per cent of 18-29 year olds who will get/have got the vaccine cite ‘protecting themselves and their loved ones’ as their key motivator.

Sixty-seven per cent were worried about catching COVID-19, with 73 per cent worried about passing it on.

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care Humza Yousaf said: “The COVID-19 vaccine is our best way out of the current pandemic and these survey findings are really encouraging as we roll-out the programme to those in the younger age groups and look at potential uptake levels.

“It’s clear from the findings that 18-29 year olds are thinking about others, with 54 per cent of respondents who will get or have got the vaccine saying they have, or would, get the vaccine ‘because we’re all in this together and they want to do their bit’.

“I’d encourage anyone that is 18-29 years old to go online and register for the vaccine now before the deadline of June 4 so that they can be offered an appointment by text or email.”

Anyone aged 18-29 can now register for their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by going online at www.nhsinform.scot/under30register or by calling 0800 030 8013.

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