Region’s People Asked to Be Involved In South of Scotland Regional Economic Strategy

Dumfries and Galloway Council is asking all our region’s businesses, citizens and interested parties to play their part in helping to shape the future economy of the region.

All public, private and third sector groups in the South of Scotland, including D&G Council and Scottish Borders Council, have joined forces to develop the region’s first ever Regional Economic Strategy (RES).

The strategy is a key focus of the South of Scotland’s Regional Economic Partnership (REP) which brings together a diverse range of interests, knowledge, experience and resources working together to develop the Regional Economic Strategy for the South.

The RES will be vital to look to the future beyond the current Coronavirus pandemic with the aim of growing and developing a stronger, fairer and more sustainable economy for the South of Scotland.

Rob Davidson, Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Depute Leader, and also the current Chair of the Regional Economic Partnership, said: “By joining forces to respond to the unique challenges we face here in the South, we become stronger through partnership working, in which we combine expertise, experience and resources in order for our area to benefit and maximise its potential in the most effective way.”
“This is an important opportunity for you to contribute to the development of our Regional Economic Strategy and I encourage everyone to get involved in the consultation. Our region has huge potential and we have a unique opportunity to really build and develop that for the benefit of everyone who lives and works here.”
Councillor Archie Dryburgh, Vice Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy and resources Committee said: “Our economic future relies on us fully understanding the breadth of views and circumstances of everyone living and working here so it’s important that we get as big a range of views on this as possible. Communities, businesses and anyone else who lives and works in the South of Scotland, please take the time to participate in this consultation.”

The consultation kicked off on Monday 8 February and runs until Friday 5 March 2021.

Take part in shaping the future of the South of Scotland by visiting or email [email protected].

You can also phone 01387 454032 for more information and to give your views.

There are currently 32 members of the South of Scotland REP from:
• Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders councils
• South of Scotland Enterprise
• Skills Development Scotland
• VisitScotland
• Scottish Funding Council
• Borders College
• Dumfries & Galloway College
• SRUC and representatives from Higher Education
• Private sector
• Social enterprises
• Third sector
• Registered Social Landlords
• Community representatives from within the region.

You can view the REP members at

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