2017 Moffat Sheep Races Cancelled

It is with deep regret that Moffat Promotions Group have to announce that the Sheep Races will not be taking place on Sunday, 13th August 2017.

A spokesperson for the Promotion group stated on Moffat Community Councils facebook page today “This is a decision that certainly hasn’t been taken lightly and it deeply disappoints all of our members.
Dumfries and Galloway Council have required us to comply with the Performing Animals Act, 1925. This means that the sheep taking part in Sunday’s race would have to be licenced to perform. This was a step those involved in the organisation of the event weren’t willing to undertake, especially at such short notice.
Naturally, we are very disappointed by the lack of support from Dumfries and Galloway Council. The Moffat Sheep Races has become a firm fixture in the town’s calendar over the last five years and was a hugely successful fun day for all of the family. Furthermore, no objections and certainly no requests to apply this ancient act had been made until very recently.
Nevertheless, the Group will not be deterred, and will always be looking to boost the town.


Having had a think about their plans for a ‘Super Sunday’ on Sunday 13th August, the Moffat Promotions Group have decided NOT to hold the event.
While it was thought initially that the ‘Super Sunday’ could replace the Sheep Races, which had to be cancelled due to legal issues with Dumfries and Galloway Council, the group have had a re-think.
They apologise for the confusion to those who were looking forward to coming to Moffat High Street on Sunday, but two days’ notice has proved too big an obstacle to overcome.
A spokesperson said:
“While we were keen for an alternative event to go ahead on Sunday, the fact that we have had to cancel the Sheep Races with two days’ notice means that getting an alternative event organised was just going to prove too difficult.
We pride ourselves as a group on putting on events to the highest standard for the people of and visitors to Moffat, so with a lack of things going on in the High Street as a result of the races being cancelled, we have decided to pull the plug on ‘Super Sunday’.
It is a real shame that it has had to come to this as we were aware of people coming from far and wide to visit our wonderful town’ but we didn’t want to put on an event which would be half-hearted.”

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