COVID Case Numbers Continue To Slowly Decrease  

A FURTHER small drop has been seen in the number of COVID-19 cases recorded in Dumfries and Galloway last week. 


In the week ending Sunday October 3, there was a total of 490 new coronavirus cases, down from 504 the week before, down in turn from 538 the week before that.


Numbers of identified close contacts of cases meanwhile decreased 1004 to 935.


Director of Public Health Valerie White said: “Any further reduction in the number of new COVID-19 cases in Dumfries and Galloway is welcome, but the decline we’re seeing is at a fairly slow rate.
“We know that Dumfries and Galloway has had much lower rates in the past, and that these can be achieved if we keep following the good advice aimed at reducing transmission of this virus from person to person.
“Key actions are good hand hygiene, wearing face coverings in indoor public spaces, giving serious thought to our social interactions and their circumstances, getting doubly vaccinated and accepting a third or booster jag if eligible, and finally regular testing – and self-isolating and arranging a PCR test if in any way symptomatic.
“What has been achieved in bringing numbers slowly down from where they were should be very much welcomed, but there is still much further we can go.
“Reducing case numbers means reducing the current impact this has on individuals in terms of risk to their health, on local communities and businesses, and on services like education and health and social care.
“Please, keep doing everything you can to reduce COVID-19 case numbers, and support Dumfries and Galloway.”


Symptoms of COVID-19 are:


A raised temperature

A new and continuous cough

Change to or loss of sense of taste and or smell


Regular asymptomatic testing for COVID provides assurance and helps to identify cases at the earliest opportunity. Details on the full range of testing opportunities can be found by visiting the website


Full details on opportunities to be vaccinated can be found by visiting the website


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