33 Community Councils Re-Established Across D&G

Community Councils play a key role across many of our communities. They have a statutory role in representing the views of local people to the Council and other organisations. However, many of them also play a very active role in organising events or activities within their communities.


In April of this year, 36 community councils were found to be dissolved for technical reasons. Councillor Tom McAughtrie, who chairs the Communities Committee said;


“This was definitely not a position we wanted our community councils to be in but the position was unavoidable. I am happy to say that Council officers have worked with the affected Community Councils to get them up and running as quickly as possible.”


By-elections were held on 7 July and as a result 33 community councils are now re-established. A further two community councils have by-elections in August bringing those back in business up to 35.


Community Councils have to publish agendas and minutes from their meetings so that local people know what’s being discussed. Meetings are generally open to the public so people can join discussion on matters that are important to them.


Councillor McAughtrie, continued;

“Community Councils have a vital role to play in local democracy, particularly in view of the challenges which services face over the next few years. I hope that more and more people connect with their community councils to ensure that the opinions of our communities are clearly heard.”


For details of your community council go to ‘Find My Nearest’ on www.dumgal.gov.uk

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