15 month old ‘Glen’ is a crossbreed dog that was adopted by David Currie from Dumfries when he lived in Crete, Greece. Unfortunately Glen had a fright today and bolted off, But thanks to the kindness of two anonymous ladies Glen and his owner have been re-united.   

David contacted DGWGO today and told us “We adopted Glen when he was 6/7 weeks old, when we were living in Crete, Greece. He had been abandoned in our courtyard, there are a lot of stray dogs in Greece. We returned to live in Scotland in May and of course we bought  Glen to live here with us.”
David continued “Today June the 22nd 2017 at Lunch time Glen was running off the lead with me in the Heathhall Community Centre park in Dumfries when two bigger dogs broke away from their owner and chased him (playfully) but he took fright and ran off down the alley onto Grieve Walk and then on to the busy road at Astor Drive.
By the time I got the other two dogs back to their owner there was no sign of Glen. However once I got onto Astor Drive I was relieved to see him being held by his collar by two ladies.
I never got the ladies’ names, one was heading to work at Little Acorns and the other back to work in town. I would like to thank them both so very much for what they did today. Glen is now back at home safe and happy, none the worse after his fright thanks to these ladies catching him.”



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