
Annual Robert Burns Commemorative Service, Dumfries

Burnsians from all parts are expected to gather at St. Michael’s Church in Dumfries on 25TH January to mark the 257th anniversary of the birth of Scotland’s National Bard, Robert Burns and will be welcomed by David Miller, president of the Southern Scottish Burns Association and his office bearers.

The annual commemorative service takes place at 1.30pm and will be conducted by the Minister, Rev. Dr. Maurice Bond. Those attending will include Dr. Peter Hughes, President of the Robert Burns World Federation, Ronnie Nicholson, Leader of Dumfries and Galloway Council, Provost Ted Thompson accompanied by some fellow councillors, Inspector P. Stephenson representing Police Scotland, delegates from Burns clubs, local and national and members of the congregations from churches in the Dumfries Christian Network. Local primary school children will attend and perform during the service and senior pupils from St. Joseph’s College will give readings.

Following the service, Peter Kormylo, President of Dumfries Burns Club will preside at a wreath laying ceremony at Burns Mausoleum in St. Michael’s churchyard when club representatives and local dignitaries
will lay their tributes at the Bard’s tomb. Callum Watson, President of Dumfries Burns Howff Club will greet the congregation on the bagpipes on arrival and later play a lament at Burns Mausoleum.

Teas and refreshments will be provided afterwards in St. Michael’s Church Hall and a warm welcome is accorded to all.

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