Best Start Grant School Age Payment Applications Now Open

The Best Start Grant School Age Payment is £250 to help eligible families with the costs of starting school.

When you need to apply depends on when your child was born. If your child was born between 1 March 2015 and 29 Feb 2016 you can apply between 1 June 2020 and 28 Feb 2021.

To apply, call us on 0800 182 2222 or visit

Even if you are deferring entry you should still apply between 1 June 2020 and 28 February 2021. You may also be eligible for other benefits.

Who can get it? You can apply for the School Age Payment if you live in Scotland whether you are in work or not. You may be eligible if you are the parent or carer of the child, and you get certain benefits or tax credits:

Universal Credit (UC), Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income related Employment and Support Allowance, Pension Credit, Housing Benefit, Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Working Tax Credit.


If you are under 18 you are automatically eligible and don’t have to be on a qualifying benefit. You would also be eligible if you are 18 or 19, in full time education or training and dependent on someone else like a parent or carer who is claiming child benefit, child tax credit, pension credit or universal credit for you.


Make sure you’re not missing out by speaking to the Citizen’s Advice Scotland Money Talk Team on 0800 085 7145.


This information can be provided in alternative languages or formats via  the Stakeholder Resources link or by calling 0800 182 2222.


Best Start Grant School Age 2020-2021 Stakeholder Resources


Best Start Grant School Age Factsheet 2020-2021


Best Start Grant School Age 2020-2021 Social Media Toolkit (jpeg images attached above)


Our Website


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