Free Bowel Health & Screening Workshop For Region’s Carers & Health Professionals

CARERS and health professionals supporting people with learning disabilities within the region are being offered free training around bowel health and screening.

The free workshop for all NHS staff, Health and Social Care Partnership teams and third sector care organisations take place at Crichton Hall, Dumfries, on Tuesday October 23 from 10 am to 4 pm.

Linda McCormick is Healthcare Facilitator of Dumfries and Galloway’s Intellectual Disabilities Services, and she said: “We very much welcome this course, and are keen that as many carers and health professionals supporting people with learning disabilities take up this opportunity.

“Bowel cancer is Scotland’s second biggest cancer killer but shouldn’t be because it is treatable and curable especially if diagnosed early.

“This interactive training is for carers and health professionals working to support people with learning disabilities.”

Those accessing the free training will gain the knowledge and confidence to talk about bowel health and screening.

They will also obtain a range of resources to help deliver workshops to people with learning disabilities and their families, other health professionals and carers.

Key learning will be:

Learning about symptoms, risks and screening

Being confident to support people to better bowel health

Planning actions to inform your colleagues and clients

Places in this free course can be booked online, by visiting

For more information, email [email protected]

Call: 0131 281 7351

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