
Quad Bike Vandals Destroy Carrick Forest Drive Play Area

Forest Enterprise Scotland staff are asking for help in tracing some four wheeled vandals who destroyed a children’s play area.

How the play area looked before the damage

The call comes as staff assess how they can repair damage to the play area within Carrick Forest Drive.

Recreation Forester Archie McNellie, said;

“We were contacted by a member of the public last week who told us that some quad bikers were wreaking havoc in the play area. Of course, by the time we arrived on scene, the culprits had gone but they’ve left a horrendous mess.

“The ground was pretty wet after recent rainfall so the whole surface has been churned up into a mud bath. It’s devastating – and very, very disappointing.

“A lot of effort went into creating this play area and a lot of children are going to be upset when they arrive here and find they can’t play.

“We are appealing for help from the public and would ask anyone who might have some information about this incident to contact Police Scotland on 101 or contact us at the local office on 0300 067 6800.”

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