
Catstrand to Hold ‘ReConnect Festival’ This March

ReConnect is a 4-day festival of film, discussion and nature-based workshops, seeking responses to eco anxiety. Taking place at CatStrand from the 2-5 March.

In response to the climate crisis, over 50% of young people worldwide are navigating feelings of sadness, anxiety, powerlessness, anger, or guilt. These are rational responses to an urgent issue. But they can overwhelm us to a point of apathy, causing us to withdraw from the climate movement.

ReConnect Festival aims to address eco anxiety and other emotional responses to the climate crisis by exploring the connections between arts engagement, wellbeing, and nature connection. Through a carefully curated arts programme, we hope to provide our audiences with the tools to process their feelings around climate change and channel them into action.

The festival is an opportunity to deepen our connection with the Earth and the people we are sharing it with, so that we can move forward in the climate movement with more compassion – for each other, ourselves, and our planet.

Phoebe Watt, Festival Organizer said “As a young person facing an uncertain future, I know how disheartening it can feel when we’re flooded with constant messages about the urgency of climate crisis. This festival is about building resilience and agency through community, conversation, and art.”
Peter Renwick, CatStrand’s Arts Programmer said “Phoebe has pulled together an excellent film programme, reflecting real concern about the crisis that we are starting to live though, and providing inspiration, opportunity for reflection about where we do have local agency. ReConnect provides space to meet, think & talk through these issues with likeminded folks.”

We have an exciting programme planned of three moving documentary films that will allow us to connect with the stories of those on the climate crisis frontline. We have joined with
Crichton Carbon Centre, Propagate and 2050 Climate Group to bring together a range of
inspiring post-screening activity. Hear from our panel of local young climate leaders as they
share their methods for channeling eco anxiety into action. Express what is important to you through the act of writing a letter to the Earth. Explore the power of our food systems to heal and connect us to each other, our cultures, and the Earth.

Complimenting the film programme, we have creative workshops in natural bundle dyeing and ‘re-imagining’ landscapes. Experiment with the rich diversity of colours that can be derived from our natural environment and explore new ways in which our agricultural landscapes could look to support healthy food systems.

As a closing party, we’ll be hosting an open mic night themed around ecology and climate
change. We encourage anyone to share a piece of music or spoken word which explores these themes, or simply join the audience.

Booking & Events Info – click here

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